Melting touch 2022 14in Drawing with colored pencils and felt-tipped pen “Our skin is a kind of space in which we maneuver through an atmosphere of horse gases, cosmic rays, radiation from the sun, and obstacles of all sorts.” (Page 54) A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman For "Melting Touch" I put a bit more of my personality into it. I related to what Ackerman wrote about in her "Natural History of the Sense." I wear my skin, my clothes, as a shield against the world and it protects me. I chose to use different colors to symbolize different touches, like green being the softness of grass or blue being the coolness of the water. The hand symbol I choose to do is one that I have found myself doing more often as a way to say hello and project strength. Grasp 2022 11 x 14 in India ink on mixed media paper “ it in prisons us, but it also gives us individual sheep, protects us from invaders, cools us down or heats us up as need be, pr...